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The ISRS Congress brings together a diverse international community of neurosurgeons, radiation oncologists, medical physicists and other healthcare professionals to exchange scientific and research information and gain access to the most recent technological advances. Since 1993, the ISRS Congress has been held every two years intentionally alternating continents to reflect the global nature of the […]
Get in touch

The ISRS Congress Organizing Committee will send, on a regular basis, information about the 2022 congress, but also about other ISRS activities (webinars, courses, etc), as well as sponsored contents.If you want to keep in touch throughout the year, please register hereunder.
Preliminary program available

The ISRS is excited to provide its program for the 2022 congress in Milan. We look forward to having the latest SRS/SBRT technologies showcased, high quality scientific presentations on the latest research in both cranial and extra-cranial SRS/SBRT, and educational seminars by leading world experts. Please note that the program is fixed but the details […]